General Information
Masks are to be worn in the surgery , even if you have an exemption, we do require you to wear a mask within the building as there is a higher risk of contamination in a health care setting. If you have an exemption we are happy for you to wait outside for the doctor or Clinpath and then wear a mask through the building to their respective rooms. It is then up to the doctors or Clinpath’s discretion whether a mask is required while in your appointment.
The medical centre has access to all of these services. Please notify reception if you wish to use them.
Results are available between 2pm and 4:30pm each day. If the doctors wish to discuss these results with you, reception or nursing staff will contact you for an appointment
Appointments are necessary. When arranging appointments please advise the receptionist if a longer appointment is required. In the case of an emergency, it is advised that you attend the emergency department of your nearest hospital or call an ambulance. Some doctors offer online appointments, these can be accessed through our website or HotDoc link here.
If you are unable to attend an appointment, please notify the Medical Centre 24 hours prior where possible to allow rebooking other patients. If more than three appointments are missed and not cancelled it is practice policy that no further appointments will be booked with any doctors in the practice.
It is also practice policy that if a “new patient” appointment is made and the new patient does not attend and does not cancel the appointment, no further appointments will be offered to that new patient at this surgery.
If you require a home visit please call reception on (08) 8258 8988. Not all doctors do home visits and those that do are not always available to do them due to time constraints. If they are not available the staff will give you the contact number of the locum service. If you wish to speak to a doctor and he/she is with a patient a message will be taken and the reception staff will advise you when it is likely that the doctor will return our call. Staff will endeavour to follow up and return your calls promptly.
If after hours, please phone the surgery on (08) 8258 8988, a voice message will be played directing you to our locum service as well as other after hours providers.
GP Connect Home Visits – 13 SICK (7425)
Lyell McEwin Hospital – 8182 9000
If an Emergency call ‘000’
Generally a consultation with a doctor is required, any exceptions to a consult with the doctor needs to be approved by the doctor, please ask the receptionist.
The medical centre offers appropriate access for people with a disability, including car parking and bathrooms.
Whites Road Medical Centre is not a bulk billing practice. From the 1st of July 2024, our gap will increase for all appointments. For a full list of our consult fees, please click here. Please note fees will be required to be paid in full at the time of your consult, the Medicare rebate will be credited to your bank account within 24 to 48 hours. If you present a current Health Care or Pension Card, you will be bulk billed. Children under 16 are also bulk-billed by all doctors. Should you have difficulty in paying our fees or want any more information on cost, please discuss it with us. Please be aware there could be fees payable to Allied Health, Pathology and Specialists that the doctors refer you to.
New patients will be required to fill out a New Patient Information & Privacy Consent Form; however, please notify reception if any of your details have changed or if you have not filled out one of the forms previously.
Our practice endeavours to provide a comprehensive high quality service to patients. At times we may invite you to complete a questionnaire to identify areas in which we may improve our service as we value your feedback. If at any time however you wish to make a complaint or give a compliment, please telephone or write to our Practice Manager, use our suggestion box or complaints forms which are at the reception desk. Should you wish to make a complaint outside the surgery contact the Health and Community Services Complaints Commission on Ph: 8226 8666.
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. Only de-identified data may be used for research purposes. During the accreditation process medical records are randomly selected by a GP for quality assurance purposes. If you do not wish for your record to be accessed please inform your doctor.
A copy of our privacy policy is available here or in the surgery waiting room.
Have you recently had:
- An annual health check up?
- An annual blood pressure check?
- An annual cholesterol check?
- Your children immunised?
- Summer skin cancer screening?
- Mammogram?
If unsure, or you have answered “no” to any one of these questions, please call and make an appointment.